This is a Level Three Survey Service, per RICS Regulation and Guidance.
This is the most detailed ‘standard’ report we provide. We are able to report on Listed, historic and thatched buildings as well as the more conventional.

Our typical inspection for a residential dwelling house usually lasts between three and eight hours and is as detailed as we can be without being invasive or destructive but is subject to physical constraints and risk assessment of injury. Occasionally if the owner is willing we can be invasive and, for example, attempt to lift local areas of carpet and floorboards to inspect the condition of the substructure. We will usually access the inspection chambers if these can be lifted without removing screws etc. to see their condition, inlet and outlet pipes etc. and we will attempt to work out the layout of the drain system.

Our equipment includes a telescopic pole camera, borescope and infra-red imaging equipment which aid inspection of some areas which might not be otherwise accessible.

A typical report details the condition of the various elements of the building, highlights areas which should be repaired and advises on practical aspects, giving due consideration to the period and type of construction. If there are elements for which further specialist investigation, testing and/or reports are recommended, these will be listed. A list of matters which should be attended to by your legal advisor is also included. A photographic schedule is produced to accompany the report text with large images to aid customer understanding and identification of any issues.

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